Thursday, October 2, 2008

I love it when a plan goes together...

The sun shines on a new day and I am optimistic that things are looking up. Hubby is working at the construction job. I have an extra trip this afternoon. Mrs H is doing better, while she now in the Nursing home she still wants us "girls" to work for her. She needs help eating and dressing, and she wants her own help, "the service at this place is awful!". I am most happy that she is OK, and that I still have a job. Sound selfish, but I am a realist and sometime too honest with my thoughts. Otherwise I am good for today, and that's all that matters.

Mark and I went to the therapist last night. S is someone I know from my past life as an Early Childhood teacher, she was my director. As I recall she knows me from the days I did not have my act together. Of course she was young and going through a lot too. Now she's one of the most excellent therapists I know. Very caring. Dale has agreed to see her too. Since it's a family case my insurance is paying for it. Things are better with him too. Actually, Dale is out right now completing an interview for a job at Target. He's pleased with himself, which is fine, but he still is earning my trust. S has a game plan for Dale and I am just relieved that I don't have to be the one to orchestrate this process, I am burned out emotionally right now. I'll do the work, but I don't want to create this therapy plan...besides I am not certified ;)

This treatment will actually count toward his court ordered counseling so it is all a positive thing. A lot of the suggestions S had were my idea too, but Mark balked a lot of them ... she agrees with me on my thoughts, except kicking him out...that's not an option. Which I knew deep down inside, I just get overwhelmed and considered it at times. There were days I'd come home from work and want to someone had invaded my house and I had no control over my life, except to work and work and work. But it's getting better.

I am getting to like this new blog site as I lost my entry while trying to figure out how to load pictures and while I was doing my entry it was automatically saved! So when I lost it, I easily found it! how cool is that????

I knew it was time for an aol divorce!!


lisa said...

i still have no idea what is going on here. PHOOEY.
So glad you three went to someone you trust and respect and i pray that things continue to go forward in a positive manner so YOUR life goes back to normal. How awesome that you still have the side job. LOVE YOU!

Unknown said...

I'm still new here, finding my way around, without really having time or energy to do so. But I'm here now, and SO HAPPY to see you here too. I'm especially happy for the therapy. It works! It doesn't come easy, is hard work, zaps a man's energy at times, drives us nuts, but persistance pays off. Keeping all of you in prayer. Thanks so much for always being there for me. love you much.

Lori said...

I'm glad that the therapy went well, and I hope it continues to do so. Yep, I think it's all coming together.

Janie said...

Glad that things are better with Dale. I like being able to save a draft and post it later. Have a great week. Janie

Lisa said...

LOL that last line... time for AOL divorce!! So glad to find you here Rose... sounds like things are coming together for Dale and I will remember you in my prayers.... and I thank you for praying for my Nick too.... it sounds like it's been a hard month for both of us. Much hugs,

Jeannette said...

Nice to know that you do not lose entries. I have come to terms with it now I guess although I do miss the old alerts and I do miss people commenting. It was always so nice to switch on and just be able to see comment alerts. Now you have to keep going back to your blog to see if people have said anything.