Friday, January 30, 2009

gotta love Illinois...

This happy guy is thumbs up to the new signs over our tollway...covering up the name of our shameful old governor...

Also we are so proud of area citizens...Drew Peterson...

Thank God his new girl friend dumped him...

He was on Night line telling his love story to the world she freaked out called the cops and left him....our Governor went to New York to spill his guts on the View, Larry King and Good Morning America. Nothing like spreading the shame all over the US of A.

The weather alone should be enough to give me a clue that Illinois is becoming a cesspool of slime.

But it's home and like everything else this too shall pass.

My stepsons lost their grandfather. Jeremy was very close to Walt. His wife Helen died this past summer. They both were always kind to me and Mark. Always shaking their heads at their daughter's behavior (Mark's ex) and the fact that she will never be happy or satisfied.

I feel bad for my stepsons. They loved Walt.

Mrs H told Julie my friend who also cares for her that she really wants to die and to prove it she's going to stop eating. Bet if I came in with some Long Johns (not Chocolate) or a baked cheesy potato from Wendy's she'd eat.

Or not....she's old, she's 95, bedridden and ready to go...

My grandsons have been looking for Grandma Roses...they will be overnight tomorrow evening...

Thank God I could use some young spirits to renew me!


Anonymous said...

I'd bring Mrs H that potato if I were you, but I also imagine it is her time to go. She was treated very well by you, which seems simple, but so many don't get that...and I'll bet she's ready now.~Mary

Lisa said...

Awwww Rose, big hugs to you, XO Lisa

lisa said...

i hope Mrs. H is not grandma was dying every day of my life if you know what i mean...every single day Jessie said she would die that day. She lived 98 yrs.
I didnt connect that Peterson was from your state....someone needs to ask the asshole where he buried his wife...i heard a truck driver innocently picked up a barrel from a gas station that Drew may have put his wife in....what a mess.
I saw your governor on The View. Let's all say "NEW HAIRCUT, asshole!".

enjoy those grandbabies.
i love you Rose

Lisa said...

Oh that is sweet that you are taking her food she likes. We have a 100 yr old grandma and it's hard to get her to eat too and she says she is ready to go meet Jesus. So sorry to hear about Grandpa passing. Glad the boys will come and cheer you up.
As for the governor, shame on him.

Lainey Laine said...

Hi Rose, So sorry I have been a bad journal reader lately. Im just catching up with everyone. Big hugs to you. Laine xxxxx

Janie said...

He sure is doing a lot of talking.. or acting! lol Poor Mrs. H. Shirley passed away 3 nights ago. Hope you have some fun with the grandkids. Blessings, Janie