Tuesday, February 10, 2009

2 years ago...

2 years ago tomorrow my little neighbor Katie went to Heaven ... she was with that group of teens who packed 8 of them in a car driven by a drunk adult at 2:00 am. They hit a pole and killed 4 instantly and one died later. Nothing has changed. The police did not process this lady properly and she is out on bail.
No word on her trial, or her punishment.
2 years and 5 dead children, not much has changed.

So sad and such a waste of life...Kids still live destructive lives, they run the streets at younger and younger ages. I've seen 5th grade girls hanging out at the park with 18 year old men. My friend J's daughter who is 13 and in 8th grade walked out of school Friday and went to her boyfriend's house in the next town, he's 18. A few months ago she thought she was pregnant. What is she to do short of sticking birth control pills in her PB & J???

My junior high kids comment about how so and so has lost her virginity. So sad...

I am lucky I think I did things right, mine have problems but they are adults and are so far doing OK. I always made sure they had strong male figures to go to. They always knew they were loved and could come to me or a responsible adult for anything...they all have most of the same friends that had growing up.

I hope for the sakes of all our futures thing change, our children are not children anymore....

The crosses are gone, but what's left are the memories...


Lisa said...

Awwwwww Rose,that is so sad :( XOXO Lisa

Lisa said...

Such a horrible tragedy...

Jeanne said...

I know exactly what you mean. One of my kids friends thought SHE was pregnant recently too! She's 15 years old!!! WTH??? Thankfully, we haven't lost any friends to drunk driving, but when I was in high school a group of my friends did the same thing....piled 8kids in a car and the driver was drunk. They flew over the barrier on the parkway, hit an oncoming car, decapitated the drive and killed a passenger and killed two kids in their car. My boyfriend at the time was a pall bearer. That traumatized me for life. I hope my kids never have to deal with something like that....ever.

((hugs)) to you.....

lisa said...

you mentor and help teens from your bus seat, you know. I am sorry that the person responsible for these deaths has not had to do any jail time..what an injustice. MUCH LOVE

Sage Ravenwood said...

That one statement alone is so poignant, our children are no longer children. It seems they grow up faster than ever these days. I wish they could of known some of the childhoods we all remember. (Hugs)Indigo