Saturday, May 25, 2013

Hey friends !   School's almost out so I am going to make a serious effort to post.  I rarely use my computer (it's old and slow), this pad won't let me post pics but my phone will so I'll try and figure out how to add them later.  My family is growing as we speak with baby Kyle being born March 29 and my daughter due in September.  I know what she's having but been sworn to keep mum until Sunday at their reveal party.   

With such a big group and outside influences my hub and I have been taking a step back and watch and see how our clan grows and changes.  They all are doing well, but are still making choices we find unwise....but so did we....with God's helpl I am sure the will figure life out.  
We are making a huge effort to enjoy our own life and do things we enjoy.   We walked the Walk for Autism last week. We really enjoyed it too.  This weekend we are working on are our house something neglected because both work long hours .

I do love my grandma Roses time....Lilly daily asks to go to Grandma Roses house, she even gives her parent's turn by turn directions, Kaleb lights up when he sees a semi or bus sure that we are behind the wheel.  He's baby brother will get to know me during times when his mommy goes to sports class with Kaleb.  Baby Tommy grins when he sees 3 guys Jake, Cody and Dayton are done with school and are looking forward to our day trips this summer....

Trying to find balance is tough as my job is going through new admin and really trying my patience, thankfully summer break will give me a break to regroup.   

I love this  journal in that I can go back and see how life really does come back into line after change.  Like you friends I always know where I can find some peace.
Love guys bunches and I promises to update more of course let you know whether I get a he or a she grandbaby.


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Hard to believe the school year is almost over but I'm glad that summer will soon be here. Like you my family keeps growing. #19 grand babe comes in November. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Paula said...

So nice to see you back here Rose. You and your hubby seem to be such good grandparents. Enjoy them while they are young.

Anonymous said...

I think the grandkids get a place of light & warmth over there.

Rose said...

Rose said...

I'm enjoying them while I'm still young !!!

Rose said...

Wow! Mine better hurry up !

Martha said...

I know what you mean about work Rose. I'm hoping and praying I can switch back to an 11 or even a 10 month position this summer. Working 12 months has taken away the whole benefit of working for the school system - and I'm dealing with a new administration too, not fun.

We definitely have to make plans to meet as it gets closer to your vacation!

Unknown said...

Hi sweetie. I look forward to your being able to post more. Hopefully I will be able to do the same. My hands are still painful so my posts can't be long (typing this with one finger. You and Mark are awesome parents and grandparents...very special people. Love you both with all my heart. Looking forward to meeting you one day, if not here, then in heaven. Big hugs.

Lori said...

It's so nice to see a post from you. I'm glad things are going well and you are enjoying all your grandkids.