I've had a heck of week. My dsl was down for a couple of days, I thought because of some recent storms, but it ended up being my 10 year old modem finally bit the dust. I had a replacement and quickly got back online again...until Wednesday when a bad storm knocked our power out for nearly 2 days.
Rumor was it was to be for 5 days, but thankfully it was only 2.
I went back to work for a part time summer route. I now remember why I don't have a permanent route...20 special needs kids under the age of 7 with 13 in car seats in a bus that is not air conditioned take it's toll on even me...but I am trooper and have whipped young monitor into line. With a little positive re-enforcement she is doing a great job of keeping the little ones happy and under control.
Otherwise the normal summer time stuff...weddings, showers, fests and kids...
Oh and planning my escape to Florida in December. Getting our tickets early and waving them under my nose will keep me in a good mood!
I've been off work for a couple of days. Summer school starts the 21st, part time only, so I am enjoying my time off.
The little kids have been here every day also.
I've been trying to do some cleaning, mostly getting rid of years of junk the big kids have left behind. Dayton & Cody keep trying to talk me into giving them Liz's old "Barbie girls" so their army guys can have friends. This is contrary to their firm belief that Barbie is for girls only. The dolls are sentimental favorites of Aunt Lala, I am sure she would part with some, but Barbie is stored away and I am not looking for her.
Also, both my sons are facing their own growing pains, one related to growing up, living with his dad and step mom and letting them enable him. He's only 25 so he'll get it eventually. The other related to growing up and balancing the needs of both his career and newly pregnant off for the summer school teacher wife. :sigh: I can only add input and wish them the best...growing up sucks sometimes. :)
We still have a lot of work to do on our house, but we realize it's ongoing forever...so no hurry or worry.
I turned 53 Monday...still feel young...I started jogging again, something I loved to do when I was in my 20's. Great both for the body and mind.
I am off to do nothing...something all of should do from time to time!