Sunday, October 3, 2010

my son Tim and his wife Kristen

Walked the Lupus walk today. My son's friend has Lupus and his team raised $8,800! I enjoyed seeing old friends and some of my son's friends. It was great day! The walk was gorgeous as it was a sunny crisp day.

I have been able to let a lot of my worries go...except my job...I am still mad that we are short drivers and we are contracting out, which is so against my belief a tax paying citizen I hate waste!!

Plus contracting is taking money out of my pocket. But like all things this too shall pass!

While I was unable to work Friday night I did enjoy some fun time with my grandsons, and my Saturday trip last 9 1/2 hours plus $25 for a meal...all things do work out.

1 comment:

Paula said...

Good for the people walking the Lupus walk. My best friend from high school (yes long time ago) has it and so many things wrong with her happening because of the Lupus.